Champions Gallery

to honour 38 famous dogs - from present and past

Ch. Tango Royal von der Villa Graf

(Ch. Toscano del Fracasso x 
Ch. Royal E. from Big Boy´s Club)
 Owner.: Muriel Lobstein (F)

International Champion

Ch. Ti-amo William

von der Villa Graf

(Ch. Toscano del Fracasso x Ch. Royal E. from Big Boy´s Club)

Title: Juniorchampion of Luxembourg

European Junior Club Winner 2023 (Dansk Mastiff Club)
Special price for Best Movement in show at the Danish Mastiff Club Show 2023
Vice Mastiff World Cup Winner 2024
Swiss Show Champion - Swiss Beauty Champion
German Champion (VDH) - Champion of Luxembourg
International Champion 

Ch. Ronja Räubertochter

de la Villa Bel Air

(Ch. Danube Titans Simba x Ch. Liberté de la Villa Bel Air)

Title: Swiss Show Champion - Swiss Beauty Champion
German Champion (VDH) - Champion of Luxembourg

JCh. Thalita Mildred

de la Villa Bel Air

(Ch. Touch-Down from Big Boy´s Club x Ch. Pauline von der Villa Graf)
Owner.: Ali Hatchane (F)

International Juniorchampion


Von der Villa GraF

(Ch. Danube Titans Simba x Leonie-Löwenherz de la Villa Bel Air)

International Champion - German Champion (VDH)
German VDH Winner 2021

Rei de la Villa Bel Air 

Sire: Ch. Danube Titans Simba
Dam: Ch. Liberté d/l Villa Bel Air
Owner .: Lilian & Micke 
Hjortsberg-Persson (SE)

Swedish Champion

JCh. True Hope 

de la Villa Bel Air

(Ch. Danube Titans Simba x Ch. Liberté de la Villa Bel Air)
Owner: Gina Slotboom-Lemke (D)

Title: German Junior Champion (VDH)

Ch. Rosemarie Villa Bel Air

(Ch. Danube Titans Simba x Ch. Liberté de la Villa Bel Air)
Owner: M. & R. Harnischmacher (D)

Titels: French Junior Champion
TOP 3 Junior of France 2022 (Dogs Revelation competition)
Champion of Luxembourg - German Champion (VDH) - International Champion

Ch.Toscano del Fracasso

* 8.11.2019
(Ch. Cosimo del Fracasso x 
Ch. Lillimarlene del Fracasso)

Winner 2022
French Winner 2022
German Champion (VDH)

International Champion
TOP No. 1 Mastiff 2022 of France (Vos Chiens competition)
Best in Show & Mastiff World Cup Winner 2024 (Italy)

Ch. Prince Bel Air des
Gardienens du Coutil


* 5.1.2019
(Ch. Jack le Renard de la Villa Bel Air x Ch. Nalla des Terres du Templier)


Best Baby at the Grand Prix de France 2019

Best Baby at the Championnat de France 2019
Best Junior Male at the French Club Championship 2019
Res. CAC at the Championnat de France 2020
French Champion 
International Champion
 TOP No. 3  Mastiff Male 2022 of France (Vos Chiens) 
Swiss Show Champion
Swiss Beauty Champion
German Champion (VDH)

Ch. Danube
Titans Simba

* 24.8.2016
(Ch. Danube Titans Ace x Ch. Danube Titans Energy)

International Champion
Eurodog Junior Champion (FCI
Serbian Junior Championernationaler Champion
Europäischer Jugendchampion (FCI
Serbischer Jugendchampion

Ch. Nelly de la Villa Bel Air

* 26.10.2017
(Ch. Itchcock von der Villa Graf x Ch. Juliane la Reine de la Villa Bel Air)

Titel:  International Champion

Ch. Royal Edition from Big Boy Club

* 9.1.2018
(Ch. Mastiffworld Bailey Junior x 
Ch. Devine Cornelia from Big Boy´s Club)

Best Puppy 2018 - French Clubshow
1st in der Puppykclass - World Dog Show  ´18 
VDH European Junior Winner 2019 + BOB
VDH Spring Junior Winner 2019 + BOB
Best Junior 2019 at the Grand Prix de France 
+ BOB + 3rd Best in Group II Junior
Best Junior 2019 at the Championnat de France + BOS
Junior Latin Winner 2019 
German Junior Champion (VDH)
French Junior Champion 
International Champion
French Champion
Luxembourg Champion 

TOP No. 1 Mastiff Female 2022 of France (Vos Chiens) 

Ch. Noelle 

von der Villa Graf

 *  12.5.2017
(Ch. Jack le Renard Villa Bel Air x Ionella v/d Villa Graf)
Owner.: Lilian Hjortzberg-Persson (S)

Bast Female Baby at the Mastiff World Cup 2017
Best Mastiff Baby 2017 (French Clubshow)
Schwedish Champion - Danish Champion 

Ch. liberté de la villa bel air

* 15.6.2015
(Ch. Corto von der Villa Graf x 
Ch. Flagrans mon Evidence du Ranc de Bannes)

German Junior Champion (VDH + Club)
VDH European Junior Winner 2016
VDH European Winner 2017 - International Champion
German Champion (VDH + Club) 
Best in Show Veteran at the CACIB-Show in Mulhouse 2024 (F)

Ch. Leonie-Löwenherz de la Villa Bel Air

* 15.6.2015 - 14.9.2021
(Ch. Corto von der Villa Graf x Ch. Flagrans mon E. du Ranc de Bannes)

Titel: German Champion (VDH) - International Champion
VDH European Winner 2019 - VDH Spring Winner 2019

Ch. Juliane 

la Reine de la Villa Bel Air 


* 29. Juli 2014
(Ch. Falcon de la Prevoté  de St. Vaast x 
Ch. Flagrans mon Evidence du Ranc de Bannes)

Titel:  German Junior Champion (VDH + Club)
VDH European Winner 2016 - German Champion (VDH)
German Champion (CfM) - International Champion
Swiss Show Champion - Swiss Beauty Champion
3rd at the Mastiff World Cup 2017 (Open class) 
Luxembourg + French Veteran Champion
Best Veteran of France ´22 (Dogs Revelation)
International Veteran Chamion
German Veteran Champion (VDH)

Ch. Jaiko 

de la Villa Bel Air


* 29.7.2014
(Ch. Falcon de la Prevoté  de St. Vaast x 
Ch. Flagrans mon Evidence du Ranc de Bannes)
Owner: Muriel & Pascal Lobstein (F)

Titel:  Swiss Show Cchampion - Swiss Beauty Champion
German Champion (VDH + Club) 
Luxembourg Champion - International Champion

Ch. jack le renard 

de la villa bel air

* 29.7.2014
(Ch. Falcon de la Prevoté  de St. Vaast x 
Ch. Flagrans mon Evidence du Ranc de Bannes)
Owner: Christian Fuchs (F)

Res. CACS at the Championnat de France 2015
CACS + Best of Breed , French Club Show 2016
French Champion
Best Champion Male  2017 (french Clubschow)

Ch. I love Löwenzahn von der Villa Graf

 * 22.5.2013 - 17.3.2016
(Ch. Duke von der Villa Graf x Ch. Ebby von der Villa Graf)
Owner: Yvonne Frank & Uli Daab (D)

Titel: VDH Annuary Winner 2015 
VDH European Winner 2015
VDH Spring Winner 2015 - German Champion (VDH)

Ch. Idefix 

von der Villa Graf

 * 22.5.2013 - 30.03.2022
(Ch. Duke von der Villa Graf x Ch. Ebby von der Villa Graf)
Owner: Ulli & Christian Wecker (D)

German Champion (VDH) - Polish Champion
International Champion 

Ch. Itchcock 

von der Villa Graf

 * 22.5.2013 - 6/2021

(Ch. Duke von der Villa Graf x Ch. Ebby von der Villa Graf)

Best Baby (french Club Show 2013)
Best Junior  at the Championnat de France 2014)
German Champion (VDH + Club)
French Champion - International Champion 

Ch. Hamlet von der Villa Graf


* 17.10.2012
(Ch. Corto v/d Villa Graf x Kumormai Penchant Villa Graf)
Owner: Celine Meinecke (CH)

Best Junior 2013 (french Club Show)
Swiss Junior Champion
CACS + BOB + BEST IN SHOW (french Club Show 2015)
Swiss Beauty Champion
French Champion - International Champion 

Ch. Heinrich der Löwe Von der Villa Graf

* 9.6.2012 - 21.12.2022
(Ch. Benito v/d Villa Graf x Flagrans du Ranc de Bannes)

Titel:  German Junior Champion (VDH) 
German Champion (VDH + Club)
Swiss Show Champion  - International Champion

Ch. Flagrans m.E.

du Ranc de Bannes

 * 22.11.2010 - 4/2021
(Ch. Exsto de Fracasso x Ingentis du Domaine de Strazz) 

Titel: VDH European Winner 2013 
German Champion (VDH) - International Champion German Champion (Club für Molosser) 
CACS at the Championat de France 2014
VDH German Bundessiegerin 2015
Best Brood Bitch 2017 at the French Club Show
Best Brood Bitch 2018 at the French Club Show

Ch. Falcon de la prevoté St. Vaast


* 31.07.2010 - 2.8.2019
(Colosse de la Louvagerie x Babou de la Louvagerie)

Titel: Winner Amsterdam 2015
German Champion (VDH) - International Champion 

Ch. Franzel von der Villa Graf

* 8.7.2010 - 2021
(Ch. Benito von der Villa Graf x Kumormai Penchant Villa Graf)
Owner: Hubert Walch (F)

Titel: German Champion (VDH) - International Champion

Ch. Ebby 

von der Villa Graf

* 18. Juni 2009 - 18.10.2020
(Ch. Corto v/d Villa Grafx Daydream-Diva v/d Villa Graf)

Titel: German Junior Champion (VDH)
International Champion - German Champion (VDH)

Ch. Escada Garbo 

von der Villa Graf

* 18.6.2009 - 12.5.2018
(Ch. Corto v/d Villa Grafx Daydream-Diva v/d Villa Graf)
Owner: Lilian Hjortzberg-Persson (S)

Titel: Schwedish Champion
Best of Breed at the Schwedish Club Show 2014

Ch. Don Theo von der villa graf

* 12.05.2007 - 16.03.2016
(Ch. Audley F. Family Jules c Ch. Tinkabell Brullemail)
Owner: Koester family (D) 

Titel: German Junior Champion (VDH) - German Champion (VDH)

Ch. Duke 

v/d Villa graf

* 12. Mai 2007 - 19. März 2010
(Ch. Audley F. Family Jules c Ch. Tinkabell Brullemail)

Titel: Best Baby 2007 (CfBM)
German Junior Champion (CfM + OEMCD)
VDH European Junior Winner 2008 
OEMCD Club Show Winner 2009
CAC Reserve at the Championnat de France 2009
CAC at the French Club Show 2009 + BOB + BEST IN SHOW
International Champion

Ch. Daydream-Diva von der Villa Graf

* 12.05.2007 - März 2018
(Ch. Audley F. Family Jules x Ch. Tinkabell Brullemail)

VDH European Winner 2010 - Vice World Winner 2010

German Champion (VDH) - French Champion

German Champion (Club fuer Molosser)

Best Mastiff Bitch of France 2010 (Grand Prix)

VDH European Winner 2011 - International Champion

Ch. Comtessa 

von der Villa Graf

* 15.09.2005  - Februar 2016
(Ch. Wileyway´s Conrad x Ch. Tuscany S. Brullemail)

Titel: Word Junior Winner 2006 
Polish Junior Champion 
German Champion (VDH + CfM + OEMCD)
CACS at the French Club Show 2008 (CFBM)
French Champion
Mastiff Nr.2 and Top Nr.1 Bitch of France in 2008
Reserve CACS Championnat de France 2009
Swiss Beauty Champion  - FCI Centanuary Winner
Top No. 2 Mastiff Bitch of France in 2009 & 2010
Bester Senior 2011 (CfBM) & Bester Senior 2012 (CfBM)

Ch. Corto 

von der Villa Graf

* 15.09.2005 - 03.10.2014
(Ch. Wileyway´s Conrad x Ch. Tuscany S. Brullemail)

OEMCD Clubshow Winner 2007 - International Champion
German Champion (VDH) - Swiss Top Dog Finalist 2008
German Champion (Club/ OEMCD)
VDH European Winner 2010 - French Champion
Top No. 2 Mastiff Male 2010 of France
Swiss Beauty Champion 

Ch. Conrad von der Villa Graf

* 15.09.2005 - 12.12.2015
(Ch. Wileyway´s Conrad x Ch. Tuscany Superb Brullemail)
Owner: Klaus Reich (D)

Title:  German Champion (VDH) - German Champion (Club)

Res. CACS at the Club Championship Show (CFBM) 2011

Ch. Benito 

v/D Villa Graf

* 27.07.2004 - 14.07.2015
(Ch. Wileyway´s Conrad x Ch. Tuscany S. Brullemail)

Titel:  OEMCD Club Junior Winner 2005
German Junior Champion (VDH)
German Champion (VDH) 
Best Veteran Male 2011 (french Club Show)

Ch. Tuscany Superb Brullemail

* 11.04.2002 - 2011
(Ch. Hugedogge B. Sir Purcel x Bredwardine´s Brullemail)

Titel: German Junior Champion (OEMCD)
World Junior Winner 2003 - International Champion Swiss Beauty Champion - German Champion (VDH) 
CACS Reserve at the french Club Show 2006 (CFBM)

Ch. Tinkabell Brullemail

* 11.04.2002 - 2011
(Ch. Hugedogge B. Sir Purcel x Bredwardine´s Brullemail)

Titel: Swiss Beauty Champion
German Champion (VDH) - Austrian Champion
German Champion (OEMCD)
Belgian Champion - International Champion
CACS at the French Club Show 2004 
CACS at the French Club Show 2005 
VDH German Bundessiegerin 2005 - VDH European Winner 2005 - CACS Championnat de France 2005 + BOS
Champion de Luxembourg 

Ch. Erebor´s Yconde


*21.02.1999 - Juni 2006

(Ch. Schiffer Mastiffs de Sartiaux x Erebor´s Varlet) 

Titel: German Champion (VDH + Club) - Swiss Beauty Champion - Austrian Champion
Luxembourg Champion - VDH European Winner 2005 - VDH German Bundessieger 2002 + 2005
Belgian Champion - International Champion