Mastiff breeder
.... just and only a passion.
The love to our dogs and the Old English Mastiff breed has been since mid 90s an essential part of us and has filled and guided our lives. All of our dogs are part of our family and give us great pleasure, love and happiness.
Back in 1995, infected with the Mastiff virus and with a lot of enthusiasm, we attended together with our dogs local and international Dog Shows with success!
We continuosly deepened our knowledge about the race and the breed with avid hence it soon became clear to us that it was our fate to establish our Kennel “von der Villa Graf”, 2003, which became reality in 2003. Today we proudly look back to a history of yet six generations of our own bloodline! This achievment fullfil us with satisfacción and
our motivation
is the love to our dogs.
Our breeding knowledge, long time experience, loving rearing a
s well as successfull expositions over the past two decades
are the milestone of our kennel.
Fundamental in our breed are health evaluations (HD, ED, Eye examination)
enhenced through genetic technology.
Character, Longevity and accurate breed standards are also essential aspects which influence our puppy planning since they are very important to us.
We value healthy and happy puppies!
Villa Graf & Bel Air
On July 2014 the Mastiff Kennel „de la Villa Bel Air“ was founded and cooparetes ever since mit the „Villa Graf“ Kennel .
Even thought our dog family has multiplied over the past 25 years, all of our Mastiffs live with us freely at home and share our daily life, the house, the livingroom, the sofa and the 8 hectares garden without any restriction, swingers, chains or similars.
Our team
are our dogs. A mixed age pack that also accompanies our high aged seniors. They are our daily life companions as well as our family and they get all the socialization they can
handle while getting a bit spoiled in the process.
Once in team Villa Graf & Bel Air -
for ever in team!
our Mastiff Kennels
We are registered as breeders on the French Kennel Club SCC, which is ruled by the FCI and we also posses the seal "Selected and Recommended Kennel(s)" by the SCC, of which we are very proud.
We are also memebers of:
Club francais du Billmastiff et du Mastiff (F)
Mastiff Club of America (MCOA)